Goldman, Mary Craft, Brian Swatloski, Teresa Ellrott, Kyle Cline, Melissa Diekhans, Mark Ma, Singer Wilks, Chris Stuart, Josh Haussler, David
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Nucleic acids research
The UCSC Cancer Genomics Browser ( is a set of web-based tools to display, investigate and analyse cancer genomics data and its associated clinical information. The browser provides whole-genome to base-pair level views of several different types of genomics data, including some next-generation sequencing platforms. ...
Sanborn, J Zachary Benz, Stephen C Craft, Brian Szeto, Christopher Kober, Kord M Meyer, Laurence Vaske, Charles J Goldman, Mary Smith, Kayla E Kuhn, Robert M
Published in
Nucleic acids research
The UCSC Cancer Genomics Browser ( comprises a suite of web-based tools to integrate, visualize and analyze cancer genomics and clinical data. The browser displays whole-genome views of genome-wide experimental measurements for multiple samples alongside their associated clinical information. Multiple data sets can be...
Allen, Jennifer M Simcha, David M Ericson, Nolan G Alexander, David L Marquette, Jacob T Van Biber, Benjamin P Troll, Chris J Karchin, Rachel Bielas, Jason H Loeb, Lawrence A
Published in
Nucleic acids research
DNA polymerase I (pol I) processes RNA primers during lagging-strand synthesis and fills small gaps during DNA repair reactions. However, it is unclear how pol I and pol III work together during replication and repair or how extensive pol I processing of Okazaki fragments is in vivo. Here, we address these questions by analyzing pol I mutations gen...
Lowe, Todd M Chan, Patricia P
Published in
Nucleic acids research
High-throughput genome sequencing continues to grow the need for rapid, accurate genome annotation and tRNA genes constitute the largest family of essential, ever-present non-coding RNA genes. Newly developed tRNAscan-SE 2.0 has advanced the state-of-the-art methodology in tRNA gene detection and functional prediction, captured by rich new content ...
Paz, Inbal Kosti, Idit Ares, Manuel Jr Cline, Melissa Mandel-Gutfreund, Yael
Published in
Nucleic acids research
Regulation of gene expression is executed in many cases by RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) that bind to mRNAs as well as to non-coding RNAs. RBPs recognize their RNA target via specific binding sites on the RNA. Predicting the binding sites of RBPs is known to be a major challenge. We present a new webserver, RBPmap, freely accessible through the websi...
Rosenbloom, Kate R Sloan, Cricket A Malladi, Venkat S Dreszer, Timothy R Learned, Katrina Kirkup, Vanessa M Wong, Matthew C Maddren, Morgan Fang, Ruihua Heitner, Steven G
Published in
Nucleic acids research
The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE),, has completed its fifth year of scientific collaboration to create a comprehensive catalog of functional elements in the human genome, and its third year of investigations in the mouse genome. Since the last report in this journal, the ENCODE human data repertoire has grown by 898...
Raney, Brian J Cline, Melissa S Rosenbloom, Kate R Dreszer, Timothy R Learned, Katrina Barber, Galt P Meyer, Laurence R Sloan, Cricket A Malladi, Venkat S Roskin, Krishna M
Published in
Nucleic acids research
The ENCODE project is an international consortium with a goal of cataloguing all the functional elements in the human genome. The ENCODE Data Coordination Center (DCC) at the University of California, Santa Cruz serves as the central repository for ENCODE data. In this role, the DCC offers a collection of high-throughput, genome-wide data generated...
Dreszer, Timothy R Karolchik, Donna Zweig, Ann S Hinrichs, Angie S Raney, Brian J Kuhn, Robert M Meyer, Laurence R Wong, Mathew Sloan, Cricket A Rosenbloom, Kate R
Published in
Nucleic acids research
The University of California Santa Cruz Genome Browser ( offers online public access to a growing database of genomic sequence and annotations for a wide variety of organisms. The Browser is an integrated tool set for visualizing, comparing, analyzing and sharing both publicly available and user-generated genomic data sets. I...
Rhead, Brooke Karolchik, Donna Kuhn, Robert M Hinrichs, Angie S Zweig, Ann S Fujita, Pauline A Diekhans, Mark Smith, Kayla E Rosenbloom, Kate R Raney, Brian J
Published in
Nucleic acids research
The University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) Genome Browser website ( provides a large database of publicly available sequence and annotation data along with an integrated tool set for examining and comparing the genomes of organisms, aligning sequence to genomes, and displaying and sharing users' own annotation data. As ...
Farrell, Catherine M O'Leary, Nuala A Harte, Rachel A Loveland, Jane E Wilming, Laurens G Wallin, Craig Diekhans, Mark Barrell, Daniel Searle, Stephen M J Aken, Bronwen
Published in
Nucleic acids research
The Consensus Coding Sequence (CCDS) project ( is a collaborative effort to maintain a dataset of protein-coding regions that are identically annotated on the human and mouse reference genome assemblies by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) and Ensembl genome annotation pipelines. Identical an...